
Understanding the Implementation Process for ISO 27001

ISO 27001 is an extremely important standard with all the recent Cybersecurity attacks that have occurred to major companies like Medibank and Telstra.  ISO 27001 focuses predominantly on the Information Security and risk assessments. 

Understanding Criteria that impacts the ISO 27001 Certification

There are a number of criteria that impact the overall ISO 27001 Certification process and these include the following:

1.Organisational/Management System Maturity

2.Size of the Organisation

3.Number of Permanent Sites

4.Top Management Commitment/Support

5.How Many Clauses do you meet

How Long does it take to achieve ISO 27001 Certification?

The overall timeframe to achieve ISO 27001 certification will largely depend on the readiness of the customer.  For smaller businesses with less complex Information Security risks it can take up to 3 months and for Larger businesses up to 12 months


What are the challenges in Implementing ISO 27001 Certification?



Where there may be gaps in the business internally with respect to resources that can help develop the processes/policies that meet the requirements is a major challenge. 

Where this happens, please note there are external consultants who can help you in designing the processes to meet the ISO 27001 requirements.

Top Management Commitment

Without the support of top management commitment, the resources required to properly implement the ISO 27001 management system will not be able to be achieved. 

The top management must be willing to prioritise the ISO 27001 through allocation of resources, time and money. 



It is imperative that for ISO 27001 to be successful, adequate resources are maintained internally to ensure that maintenance of the Information Security Management System is achievable. 

Why Sustainable Certification?

Sustainable Certification is committed to providing a collaborative end educational approach to Certification assuring peace of mind through the certification journey.  At Sustainable Certification we can expedite the process for you and ensure your objectives and goals are met.

To find out more about ISO 27001 Please Contact Us Today


Download the ISO 27001 pre-assessment checklist to ensure your organization meets critical information security management standards.