
What are the Hurdles to be aware of in the NDIS Audit Process?

Understanding the NDIS Audit process along with the pitfalls to avoid is an important step to ensuring the providers enjoy a smoother NDIS Audit.  In this Blog, we will look at the different types of hurdles and the best strategies to overcome them.

Below is a list of the Challenges to be aware off:


It is critical that the NDIS Provider obtains a copy of the NDIS Practice standards prior to commencing the audit process.  Often, the NDIS Service providers does not have a clear grasp of the requirements of the practice standards presenting challenges later on,  What is important is to ensure that once you have understood the requirements a formal structured communication of the impact and requirements to the rest of the organisation is important.

Compliance to Policies and Processes:

Another common issue that surfaces is the Providers ability to ensure they consistently comply with the documented processes and policies in place. Often NDIS Providers fail to meet these requirements which causes an issue. One such strategy to overcome this is to ensure that during the audit process, the provider develops a greater awareness as to why these policies and processes are important. NDIS Providers should have clear perspective on the importance of the policies and processes in place.

Clear Listing of Participants in Sampling Form

Quite often providers have failed to list all key participants in the participant sampling form. NDIS Providers need to collaboratively work with Auditors to ensure they have a clear understanding of the participant sampling form requirements.

NDIS Provider

Why Sustainable Certification can help?

Sustainable Certification adopts a very transparent and collaborative approach to the audit process to ensure a peace of mind for the NDIS Provider. 

To find out more about Sustainable Certification or to obtain a quote please contact us today