


Corporate Social Responsibility

As part of our compliance processes, Sustainable Certification™ is absolutely committed to discharging its responsibilities as a good corporate citizen in accordance with AS 8003.


We recognise Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a mechanism for us to voluntarily integrate social and environmental concerns into our operations and our interaction with our stakeholders, over and above our legal responsibilities.


Our aim is to  establish  and maintain an organisational culture of compliance with societal expectations,  which provides long-term, sustainable, market advantage and profit for our shareholders, and then to continually improve on it.


We are committed to:

  • Communicating our CSR Policy and values to all stakeholders
  • Establishing internal controls, systems and procedures to support our CSR obligations
  • Raising and maintaining management, staff and contractor awarenessof CSR
  • Detailing CSR Responsibilities, Authorities and Accountabilities atrelevant functions and levels of the organisation
  • Providing adequate human, physical and financial resources to discharge our CSR responsibilities
  • Maintaining an open and honest dialogue with those who measure ourCSR performance
  • Establishing internal audit processes aimed at CSR initiatives and processes
  • Encouraging all persons to report concerns and suspicions without fearof retribution, and with our heartfelt thanks


Full, prompt and frank disclosure of any irresponsible corporate social activity



Swami Nathan

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 18th December 2020