


Fraud & Corruption
Management Policy

As part of our compliance processes, Sustainable Certification is absolutely committed to fraud and corruption control in accordance with AS 8001 in all of our activities.


Our aim is to establish and maintain a sound ethical culture, and then to continually improve on it.


We are committed to:


  1. Raising and maintaining awareness amongst management, staff and contractors of what constitutes fraud and corruption, together with the absolute abhorrence with which we view it
  2. Not tolerating acts of fraud and corruption
  3. Establishing internal controls, systems and procedures to obviate, detect and deal with fraud and / or corruption
  4. Establishing accountabilities at relevant functions and levels for the prevention and detection of fraud and corruption
  5. Establishing internal audit processes aimed at fraud and corruption control
  6. Encouraging all persons to report concerns and suspicions without fear of retribution, and with our heartfelt thanks
  7. Allocation of resources to the identification and control of fraud and corruption
  8. Maintaining appropriate risk management strategies for fraud and corruption
  9. Pre-employment screening relevant to the position to be occupied and risks involved
  10. Full, prompt and frank disclosure of any fraudulent or corrupt activities to all stakeholders


We will not:

  1. Be involved with bribery* of any sort
  2. Be party to any extortion
  3. Be involved in corruption* in any way


Should we fail in the application of this Policy, we respect the responsibility for any person to bring our failings to our attention, or to the attention of appropriate regulators. If this should happen, will not take retaliatory action against any such ‘Whistleblower’.


  1. Bribery is defined as the paying of a secret commission to another individual; and the secret commission itself
  2. Corruption is any dishonest activity as a director, manager, employee or contractor.